4 Organic Essential Oils and their Amazing Health Benefits!

The natural characteristic of Organic essential oils make them one of the sought after products when it comes to beauty practices. They have secured a place for they are chemical free, natural and have no side-effects. Apart from having incredible fragrance their long standing history tells that they are capable of treating problems like acne, digestion, kill germs and help in enhancing concentration and much more. You can find a wide variety of essential oil manufacturer in the market which can serve your purpose. Here are some of the essential organic oils with their health benefits:

Organic Essential Oils in India

1. Peppermint Oil

There are only a few mind, health and body issues which cannot be treated by this versatile Organic essential oil. Peppermint is amiably suitable for topical and oral uses because of its antimicrobial characteristics. Its cooling and calming effect on the body helps alleviate stinging muscles. Its antimicrobial property also helps to pacify digestive issues and revives bad breathe. Some of its benefits are:

•  Helps reduce stomach pain
•  Relieves you from severe headache
•  Enhances concentration
•  Acts as an energy booster

There is no reason to avoid having Peppermint oil in once medicine cupboard at home!

2. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has been used from last many years for various purposes. People used it for religious and medicinal purposes from last 2500 years and today it has become one of the most widely used organic essential oils in the world. Some of its benefits include:


It is very helpful in alleviating emotional stress and anxiety.

•  Reduces headache
•  Helps in quick healing of wounds and burns
•  It ameliorate sleep
•  Reduces acne and  restores skin complexion
•  Its potent antioxidants slows aging

3. Tee tree Oil

Tee tree oil has been used to treat skin ailments like acne and psoriasis. Its antimicrobial, antibacterial, balsamic, fungicide, stimulant and antiseptic properties make it useful for a wide variety of health benefits. This essential oil is obtained from steam distillation of leaves and twigs of Tea Tree which is a native of Australia. But its long list of benefits has made it popular in different parts of the world. Some of its benefits include:


•  Helps treat dark spots, pimples, blemishes and keeps your skin healthy and glowing.
•  Relieves you from sore ingrown hair and razor burns.
•  Acts as a home remedy for cuts, burns, wounds and other skin related problems.
•  It is a brilliant cure for acne prone and oily skin.
•  Helps your skin to glow and soften by curing dry skin.
•  Helps in healthy growth of your hair.

4. Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary oil is considered one of the most potent essential oils on earth. Ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians consider Rosemary one a sacred herb which tastes good on roasted lambs and potatoes. It’s found that rosemary helps in healing brain functions and neurological tissues. Being a native of Mediterranean, it has been used as a medicine from time immemorial for its following benefits:

•  Teats digestion issues
•  Enhances memory
•  Relieves you from muscle pain and aches.
•  Helps in stimulating hair growth and treats baldness.
•  Acts as an implausible detoxifier.

You can find a large number of essential oil manufacturers and carrier oil supplier to get your need fulfilled as per your requirement in the market. Aromaazainternational.com is one of the most reliable essential oil manufacturers and Organic Essential oils wholesale dealers in India. You can buy Natural Essential Oils and other natural products online at the portal at attractive prices.







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